I like how he's holding on to his binky, like "ok Miles, don't spit it out this time... it's upsetting when it's gone

Binky Baby

August 29, 2017

All my friends are going LARPing this weekend and I'm a little jealous. Throwback to the time when I was an adorable raccoon -kin

I miss LARP

June 30, 2017


Train Show

February 27, 2016


Dread Face

February 25, 2016


Flower Time

February 20, 2016

I don't know why, but my sweet Toby just doesn't like to look at the camera

Hi, Fluff!

February 19, 2016

Ok maybe this episode of Toby Cam will be more interesting hehe

Toby Cam, Attempt 2

January 24, 2016

When the zombie apocalypse happens, I want @hisonia on my team

Zombie Slayer

December 19, 2015

I really need to take a proper and adorable ring-selfie... but for the meantime, here's this picture of my gorgeous ring for those of you that aren't my friend on Facebook. I love it so much! Also, sorry for being that guy

My Bling!

December 8, 2015

This adorable little tiny cabin thing is where Kevin proposed to me. The picture is weird because I took it on accident haha :) Anyway it was perfect in there, pretty view, more lights, and just the two of us

Where He Asked

December 8, 2015